Sunday, July 8, 2007

How to dress

Hi all! I’ve been playing online baccarat game for a few years now and always wanted to try and play it in a real casino. I thought it’s much better to come to a real place where the games are running and the money is flowing. So when my husband and I decided to go to a vacation, I asked him to go to the famous Monaco casino. We were so excited about playing in a place like this, we did not at all predict any problems.

And the major problem was that we weren’t dressed properly! Apparently, for a game of baccarat a tie and a jacket is needed! Who would imagine! It kinda ruined our evening, since my husband didn’t have a tie and there were no ties to hire. And Monaco, you know, is sooooooo expensive, we couldn’t afford to buy him a $200 tie! After I got home, I was told that in Las Vegas they are less strict on this subject. Next time we are definitely going to play baccarat in Vegas! Long live America!