If I decided to sports betting from the perspective of a professional or enthusiastic child, if you really interested to crack this thing about how to earn and stay sane, sit here for a few minutes, take air and review the Ten Commandments of Smart Gambler.
1. Do not bet on more than one game
It is always better than any other combination (Parla, triple, Trailer etc.). If you can hit the one game, why go for two or three? Make a simple life, to complicate and stay where you do not need.
2. Do not gamble on sports you are not familiar with it
Otherwise you will have only yourself to blame rather than the judge, your girlfriend or the weather. You do not understand tennis or ice hockey? Move away and do not touch it. Wood or phallic, like Anne-discussed opinion, do not belong to the domain.
3. Do not bet on your such large sums
Point, exclamation point. Returns to the point, exclamation point. If you are a strong character, you fail at it. If not, you're a creep and a waste of time you waste. Betting eat you.
4. Do not break up to a lot of small bets
If you want to keep the chance to earn over time, more convenient to do it daily shot of 500 shekels, say, than putting gambling on five hundred shekels each. As will disperse more, your chance to earn a little.
5. Allow yourself to be an exception once a week
To not go out of your mind too strict regime - total came to enjoy - So treat yourself to one weekly bet that you set your maximum amount. Once a week you're allowed to bomb, your financial limitations, but only to play good before you test the data about it and be at peace with the process. If you threw into the sea a thousand shekels, say, you want to be sure you've done everything possible to keep them with you.
6. On the other hand, do not succumb to bouts Creese
Professional gamblers for money, not for fun. If there is no play shimmers you from the list, do not gamble force. Is allowed to go through an entire day without a single bet and last time I checked, there is no law against gambling strike voluntarily. It's hard, I know, and yet - Sit Down, Shut Up coop. One day, Rbak.
7. Do not gamble to compensate for the loss
Sharapova sprained foot and knocked you gamble? Do not run straight to the next and would be pounding double this amount, like some poisoned. You wash your face and you swear to return in clear tomorrow and give your supply-BAM-betting his mother.
8. Do yourself a favor and do not become obsessed with the
Set timeout for gambling and has made every effort not to deviate from it. Be professional, fun, why not: Tests information, cross references, words. Wandered sites, find interesting tips and convincing, but it would devote an hour a day, say, Woody. The time has ended? Turn off the computer and move on. Talk to friends about Ahmadinejad or some Zvika Hadar certain angles reminiscent of the only three, or you and your baby Gerber plug. No way to get all hung round the clock gambling, and do not miss sleeping at night because of some lousy NBA game. It will hurt you, your family, your pocket and your health.
Fill out a form Tutu
Do it when you have free time, not when the child screams and nervous woman
9. Do not gamble stressful environment
Do not run your computer as dishwashers, shower and screaming child on your wife you'd never ironed a shirt. This is a proven formula and money lost prime. The time that we talked about? Take the same time quiet and comfortable, unobstructed any kind.
10. Do not forget your job Hedai
Gambling can become a profession, but if you have another job, true, to become the full-time job for another aspects. As far as you're allowed to go, if you're really hot about it, that relate to gambling as to job Monday. Great, small but always-always remember the source of the fixed coupon.
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If you want to share gambling tips, rules or any kind of story
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Saturday, November 21, 2015
Sunday, November 15, 2015
How To Play Craps
Rules Of The Game
There are two different ways to play craps. You can either be the shooter, throwing the dice, or you can be an active spectator, betting on the results of the shooter's throw.
In order to roll the dice you must place a bet. Then, your aim as a shooter is to throw a 7 or an 11 on the first roll - a win, and avoid throwing a 2, 3 or 12 - a loss. If none of these numbers (2, 3, 7, 11 or 12) is thrown on the first throw - the come-out roll, then the number that was thrown is now the Point against which the shooter plays.
The shooter keeps on throwing until one of two numbers is thrown, the point number or a Seven. If he rolls the point before rolling a Seven he wins, but if the number seven is thrown before rolling the Point he loses. As we wrote, betting on the game is possible not only for the shooter. Anyone can place a bet on the result of the throw. Players can bet for the shooter to win or against the shooter (with the casino) saying he will lose. There are many different wagers that can be made; this multiplicity together with the swiftness of the game is what makes craps such a gripping gambling game.
Playing the Game
Since craps is a game played with many people around the table at a fast pace, there are four people of the casino staff running the game. There are two dealers in charge of settling the bets, helping the players and observing the gaming at the table. The third member of the staff is the stickman who assists the dealers, controls the dice, pays attention to the center table bets and maintains the liveliness of the game. The forth casino employee at the table is the boxman, he watches the casinos chips, ensures proper payoffs, and looks out for cheats. He keeps a sharp eye on the dice and also makes sure that there is no conniving between the dealers and players.
The first step in order to join a table and play Craps is to place a bet. You can bet no matter whom the shooter is (you can wager for the shooter to win or for the house to win) If you don't want to roll the dice you simply refuse when offered by the dealer, he will move on to the next player at the table.
There are some gamblers that this is all they want to do. However, if you do want to roll the dice you place a bet, and when your turn comes the dealer will slide 5 or 6 dice to you. From these you pick two dice (any two), these are the ones you will play with while you are the shooter. The shooter then throws the dice for the first time. Two rules must be followed when rolling the dice as insurance against cheating.
1. Before tossing the dice the shooter keeps them over the table and shuffles them only with one hand. This removes the possibility of the dice being switched for another set.
2. The shooter must throw the dice hard enough for them to bounce off the far end of the table. This is the only way that you can be sure that a "true" roll has occurred. If you throw the dice too hard and they bounce off the table the dealer will simply slide more dice over to you and you can start over again.
The come-out roll (first throw): If the shooter throws a 7 or 11 he wins. If he throws a 2, 3 or 12 he loses.
If none of these numbers (2, 3, 7, 11 or 12) is thrown, a Point is established against which the shooter will play.
Next rolls: Once the point is established, the only numbers that matter, and determine a win or a lose are 7 and the point number. The shooter continues to toss the dice until one of them is thrown. If he rolls the Point before rolling a Seven he wins, however if the shooter throws a Seven before rolling the Point he loses.
The shooter continues to roll either Come - out rolls or Point rolls until their bet is lost. Then the dealer passes the dice to the next shooter going around the table clockwise.
Betting Options
The many betting variations existing in craps, can be divided into three general categories:
1. Basic Bets are as their name suggests, the most basic and common of the betting options they are also the easiest to understand.
2. Odds Bets are additional bets placed only after the shooter establishes a Point. They are great wagers for the player. You can lose more, but you can also increase your winnings and reduces the casino's advantage by taking or laying these odds the player.
3. One RollBets These bets are decided on one roll of the dice. The next coming roll, will decide if you win or lose.
A further variation is that players can bet with the shooter or with the house (against the shooter).
Basic Bets
There are two basic bets, each with two possibilities. Four bets in total.
The first kind are bets made before the come-out roll and can be either Pass Line Bets - for the shooter or Don't Pass Bets - against the shooter
The second kinds are bets made after the come-out roll and can be either Come Bets or Don't Come Bets. The only difference from Pass Line bets and Don't Pass bets is the fact that they are placed after the come-out roll. Other than that, they pay the same and have the same odds.
Remember that the Point for the come bet is not the same as the Point for the Pass Line bet. If you are unsure if the toss is a Come-out roll look for a large white disc, which is placed on one of the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 on the table layout. This disc lets you know that the Point has been established, what it is, and that the next rolls will be Point rolls.
These bets are paid in the next way:
Come-out Roll Pass Line / Come Bet Don't Pass / Don't Come Bet
7 or 11 Win (even money) Lose
2, 3 Lose Win (even money)
12 Lose Tie
4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 - Point is established
If the shooter rolls the Point before rolling a 7 Win (even money) Lose
If the shooter rolls a 7 before rolling the Point Lose Win (even money)
Odds Bets
These bets are excellent for the player since they contain no advantage for the house over the player. This fact is what gave them the name free odds.
Important note: The casino rounds down the uneven payoffs so make sure you bet the correct amount in order to receive an accurate payoff. For example, if a bet pays 6 to 3 the bet should be made in multiples of 6.
Pass Line Odds Bets / Come Bet Odds Bets are made after you make a wager on the Pass Line. Then if a Point is rolled, you can back up your bet by betting on the shooter- this is called taking the odds on the Point.
Point Rolled Pass Line Odds Bet / Come Bet Odds Bet
4 or 10 Pays 2 to 1 (a $5 bet pays $10)
5 or 9 Pays 3 to 2 (a $6 bet pays $9)
6 or 8 Pays 6 to 5 (a $5 bet pays $6)
Don't Pass Odds Bets / Don't Come Odds Bets are made after you make a wager on a Don't Pass. Then if a Point is rolled, you can back up your bet by betting against the shooter- this is called laying the odds on the Point.
Point Rolled Don't Pass Odds Bet / Don't Come Odds Bet
4 or 10 Pays 1 to 2 (a $6 bet pays $3)
5 or 9 Pays 2 to 3 (a $6 bet pays $4)
6 or 8 Pays 5 to 6 (a $6 bet pays $5)
Place Bets are made on the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 and have nothing to do with the Point number. After made, a Place bet is always on except for the Come-out roll when they are always off, unless you tell the dealer differently. A Place bet is determined in the following way.
If your Place number is rolled before a 7 - you win.
If a 7 is rolled before your Place number - you lose.
Point Rolled Place Bet
4 or 10 Pays 9 to 5 (a $5 bet pays $9)
5 or 9 Pays 7 to 5 (a $5 bet pays $7)
6 or 8 Pays 7 to 6 (a $6 bet pays $7)
Buy Bets are made on the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 are like Place bets but their odds are different. Again you are betting that the shooter will roll your number before he rolls a 7. A buy bet is decided in the next way.
If your buy number is rolled before a 7 - you win.
If a 7 is rolled before your buy number - you lose.
On buy bets the casino charges a five percent service charge on the value of your bet in multiples of $1 (a $10 bet will cost you $11).
Point Rolled Buy Bet
4 or 10 Pays 2 to 1 (a $5 bet pays $10)
5 or 9 Pays 3 to 2 (a $6 bet pays $9)
6 or 8 Pays 6 to 5 (a $5 bet pays $6)
Lay Bets are exactly the opposite of Buy bets. You are betting the shooter will roll a 7 before your Lay number of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10.
If a 7 is rolled before your Lay number - you win.
If your Lay number is rolled before a 7 - you lose.
Point Rolled Lay Bet
4 or 10 Pays 1 to 2 (a $6 bet pays $3)
5 or 9 Pays 2 to 3 (a $6 bet pays $4)
6 or 8 Pays 7 to 6 (a $6 bet pays $7)
As with buy bets the casino charges a five percent service. However, now the charge is based on your potential winnings in multiples of $1 (a $40 bet on the 4 would pay $20, 5% of $20 is $1, so it will cost you $41).
Big Six or Big Eight Bets pay even money if you win.
If a 6 or an 8 is rolled before a 7 - you win.
If a 7 is rolled before a 6 or an 8 - you lose.
Hard Four Bets or Hard Ten Bets are different bets, but are won almost in the same way and payoff the same. Hard Four can be rolled only one way (2, 2), and Hard Ten only rolled one way (5, 5). You are betting that the shooter will roll a Hard Four or a Hard Ten (whichever you have chosen) before seven, and before any other combination of four (for Hard Four) or ten (for Hard Ten). They both pay 7 to 1. Hard Six Bets or Hard Eight Bets are the same as the above and are won in the same way. The difference being that these two both pay 9 to 1.
One Roll Bets
The next roll of the dice determines these bets, the next rolls result decides if you win or lose.
Any Seven Bets are made when you wager that the next roll will be a 7. The payoff is 4 to 1.
Any Craps Bets are made when you bet the next roll will be a 2, 3 or 12. The payoff is 7 to 1.
Craps Eleven (also called a Horn Bet) is made when you are betting that a 2, 3, 11 or 12 will show on the next roll. The payoffs are:
Point Rolled Craps Eleven
2 pays 30 to 1 (a $1 bet pays $30)
3 Pays 15 to 1 (a $1 bet pays $15)
11 Pays 15 to 1 (a $1 bet pays $15)
12 Pays 30 to 1 (a $1 bet pays $30)
Eleven Bets are for the next roll to be an 11. The payoff is 15 to 1.
Field Bets seven outcomes will win (2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 or 12) and four (5, 6, 7 or 8) will lose, making this bet a very popular one. This bet usually pays even money but sometimes a casino pays 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 when a 2 or a 12 is rolled.
Two Bets are for the next roll to be a 2. The payoff is 30 to 1.
Three Bets are for the next roll to be a 3. The payoff is 15 to 1.
Twelve Bets are for the next roll to be a 12. The payoff is 30 to 1.
Placing Bets
After knowing all the different bets possible when playing craps, you also have to know where to place them. This change depending on what bet you are making.
Basic Bets
Pass Line Bets - Place your chips anywhere within the Pass Line boundaries.
Don't Pass Bets - Place your chips anywhere in the Don't Pass section of the layout.
Come Bet - Place your chips anywhere in the Come area of the layout.
Don't Come Bets - Place your chips anywhere in the Don't Come section of the layout.
Odds Bets
Pass Line Odds Bets - Place your additional chips an inch or two behind your initial Pass - Line bet while making sure that they are outside of the Pass Line betting area.
Don't Pass Odds Bets - Place your added chips immediately next to your Don't Pass bet, or on top of your Don't Pass bet at a small slant.
Come Bet Odds Bets - Drop your chips in front of the dealer and say "Odds on my Come Point". The dealer will then place your chips on top of and slightly out of line with your Come bet.
Don't Come Odds Bets - Drop your chips in front of the dealer and say "Odds on my Don't Come". The dealer will then place your bet in the Don't Come section of the box just above the Don't Come Point.
Place Bets - Lay your chips down in front of the dealer and say, "Place the five (or other number), please".
Buy Bets - Lay your chips down in front of the dealer and say "Buy the Eight (or other number), please".
Lay Bets - Pass the dealer your chips and say "Lay the odds on the Six (or other number)". The dealer will place your chips on the Don't Come section of the number you request.
Big Six or Big Eight Bets - This is a bet you can make yourself by placing you chips in the Big Six or Big Eight section of the table layout.
Hard Four or Hard Ten Bets - Pass your chips to the stickman (he controls all bets in the center of the table).
Hard Six or Hard Eight Bets - Pass your chips to the stickman (he controls all bets in the center of the table).
One Roll Bets
All of these bets are played by the stickman, except for the field bet which you can place for yourself.
casinos games,
Online Casino
Saturday, November 7, 2015
How To Play Sic Bo
Playing sic bo is very simple; you bet on the results of three rolled dice. The sic bo table is divided into areas where you can place your bet on the outcome of the dice.
Three dice are shaken in a cup and placed hidden under the cup on the table, and then the bets are made.
Over 50 different bets can be made in Sic Bo, most of them are bad ones so you have to be careful when placing your bets.
The different bets can be divided into Single Die bets, Two Dice bets, and Three Dice bets. All these choices can be seen on the Sic Bo layout. It is possible to place bets on the results of some or all of the dice. The list below is of the main types of bets that can be made.
Single Dice bets:
One of a Kind - In this bet, winning will be if one or more dice will come out with the number you chose. Payouts are 1 to 1 if the number appears on 1 die, 2 to 1 if the number appears on 2 dice and 3 to 1 if the number appears on all three dice. (Casino Advantage 7.9%)
Two Dice bets:
Two of a Kind - In this bet, winning will be if the number you chose will appear on 2 dice. Payouts are 8 to 1. (Casino Advantage 37%)
Any Two Numbers - Player is betting that at least two of the dice will show a combination indicated on the Sic Bo layout (1 and 2, 1 and 3, etc.). Payouts are 5 to 1 (Casino Advantage 16.7%).
Three Dice bets:
Three of a Kind - In this bet, winning will be if the number you chose will appear on all three dice. Payouts are 150 to 1 (Casino Advantage 30%)
Any Three of a Kind - In this bet, winning will be if the dice all show the same number. Payouts are 24 to 1. (Casino Advantage 30%)
Total Value - In this bet, winning will be if the value of all three dice result in the certain value that the player chose. Payouts range from 6 to 1 to 50 to 1 depending on the value selected by the player. (Casino Advantage ranges from 9% to 47% depending on the value selected)
Small - In this bat, winning will be if the value of all three dice will be anywhere from 4 through 10. Payouts are 1 to 1 (Casino Advantage 2.8%)
Large (Big) - In this bet, winning will be if the value of all three dice will be anywhere from 11 through 17. Payouts are 1 to 1 (Casino Advantage 2.8%)
Three dice are shaken in a cup and placed hidden under the cup on the table, and then the bets are made.
Over 50 different bets can be made in Sic Bo, most of them are bad ones so you have to be careful when placing your bets.
The different bets can be divided into Single Die bets, Two Dice bets, and Three Dice bets. All these choices can be seen on the Sic Bo layout. It is possible to place bets on the results of some or all of the dice. The list below is of the main types of bets that can be made.
Single Dice bets:
One of a Kind - In this bet, winning will be if one or more dice will come out with the number you chose. Payouts are 1 to 1 if the number appears on 1 die, 2 to 1 if the number appears on 2 dice and 3 to 1 if the number appears on all three dice. (Casino Advantage 7.9%)
Two Dice bets:
Two of a Kind - In this bet, winning will be if the number you chose will appear on 2 dice. Payouts are 8 to 1. (Casino Advantage 37%)
Any Two Numbers - Player is betting that at least two of the dice will show a combination indicated on the Sic Bo layout (1 and 2, 1 and 3, etc.). Payouts are 5 to 1 (Casino Advantage 16.7%).
Three Dice bets:
Three of a Kind - In this bet, winning will be if the number you chose will appear on all three dice. Payouts are 150 to 1 (Casino Advantage 30%)
Any Three of a Kind - In this bet, winning will be if the dice all show the same number. Payouts are 24 to 1. (Casino Advantage 30%)
Total Value - In this bet, winning will be if the value of all three dice result in the certain value that the player chose. Payouts range from 6 to 1 to 50 to 1 depending on the value selected by the player. (Casino Advantage ranges from 9% to 47% depending on the value selected)
Small - In this bat, winning will be if the value of all three dice will be anywhere from 4 through 10. Payouts are 1 to 1 (Casino Advantage 2.8%)
Large (Big) - In this bet, winning will be if the value of all three dice will be anywhere from 11 through 17. Payouts are 1 to 1 (Casino Advantage 2.8%)
casinos online,
gambling games,
gambling sites,
sic bo
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Tips About Casino Tips
As a beginning gambler, the most important thing to know is how to tell between a good advice and a bad one. online casinos bring you the full guide for the tip searcher.
Every new gambler is hungry for those little tidbits of information that can make the trip to the table exiting and rewarding. Gambling tips are available all over the Internet, and they can with no doubt, and very easily, be divided into two kinds. Good tips and bad tips. The problem is it's often hard to tell.
Luckily, some sort of intuitive or nonobvious mathematical reasoning usually backs gambling tips. So when you're searching the web, picking up the latest tips to help you gamble, pay careful attention to the source of the tips, and the logic they seem to promote. Seeing the same tips over and over again is not a bad thing. This usually means that they are generally accepted, or they have all come from one source, and that source must be quite accessible to Internet publishers.
When we talk about gambling tips, we must talk about the odds. As you may know, odds are based on the mathematics known as probability. Probability is used in all aspects of our lives from weather and business to science and technology. Is it likely to rain tomorrow? The company you want to invest in, how successful will it be? What are the odds for you to get a scholarship? When it comes to gambling, the question becomes, what are the house odds? Check out our page on gambling odds.
Gambling tips generally match up with components of advanced or basic gambling strategies. When you find a good tip, search using a search engine and see if you can find the same tip somewhere else. If you can't, go and ask a gambling expert. There are many community forums online where professional or seasoned gamblers will be happy to help you out. Since these tips should match up with logic, look for the logic within them. But tips are not always the same thing as advice on specific situations within a game. That more reasonably falls under the topic of gambling strategies.
Many gambling tips are taken from published gambling books, and often go without proper credit. These tips are usually laid out in a simple to understand style with some supporting statement.
Never make the five-number bet (0, 00, 1, 2, and 3). Its house edge is 7.89%.
Search for European roulette wheels (37 numbers including single 0). The house edge on all bets is 2.70%.
These are ideal examples of good gambling tips. They include a logical element, backed by mathematical example of how the house edge is reduced. Some good tips never mentioned the house edge, as they are general rules to gamble by. For example - no betting system will change the casino's advantage.
Every new gambler is hungry for those little tidbits of information that can make the trip to the table exiting and rewarding. Gambling tips are available all over the Internet, and they can with no doubt, and very easily, be divided into two kinds. Good tips and bad tips. The problem is it's often hard to tell.
Luckily, some sort of intuitive or nonobvious mathematical reasoning usually backs gambling tips. So when you're searching the web, picking up the latest tips to help you gamble, pay careful attention to the source of the tips, and the logic they seem to promote. Seeing the same tips over and over again is not a bad thing. This usually means that they are generally accepted, or they have all come from one source, and that source must be quite accessible to Internet publishers.
When we talk about gambling tips, we must talk about the odds. As you may know, odds are based on the mathematics known as probability. Probability is used in all aspects of our lives from weather and business to science and technology. Is it likely to rain tomorrow? The company you want to invest in, how successful will it be? What are the odds for you to get a scholarship? When it comes to gambling, the question becomes, what are the house odds? Check out our page on gambling odds.
Gambling tips generally match up with components of advanced or basic gambling strategies. When you find a good tip, search using a search engine and see if you can find the same tip somewhere else. If you can't, go and ask a gambling expert. There are many community forums online where professional or seasoned gamblers will be happy to help you out. Since these tips should match up with logic, look for the logic within them. But tips are not always the same thing as advice on specific situations within a game. That more reasonably falls under the topic of gambling strategies.
Many gambling tips are taken from published gambling books, and often go without proper credit. These tips are usually laid out in a simple to understand style with some supporting statement.
Never make the five-number bet (0, 00, 1, 2, and 3). Its house edge is 7.89%.
Search for European roulette wheels (37 numbers including single 0). The house edge on all bets is 2.70%.
These are ideal examples of good gambling tips. They include a logical element, backed by mathematical example of how the house edge is reduced. Some good tips never mentioned the house edge, as they are general rules to gamble by. For example - no betting system will change the casino's advantage.
gambling tips,
Online Casino,
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Playing blackjack it's easy
Hard to find an easy game to learn blackjack. In one sentence, it's you and the dealer who comes to competing cards amount to 21 without going through this number. Passed the 21? Burns. Sitting right next to you other players apart from the dealer, but some simplicity in this game everyone is a united front against the nerd with the West. And true, it does not guarantee victory, but for that we are here.Cards. Dealer pulls playing cards from a facility known as the "shoe" or "sandal", which is well beaten 4-8 decks. He divides each player two cards face, and himself one card is visible and one hidden. The cards are counted, according to the numbers they represent, except the royal cards - Jack, Queen and King - counted about 10. The only card that allows some flexibility in the game is the ace that can be counted as well as 1 and 11. If you received the first partition A, you have what is called "soft hand". But we'll get to it right away.
Bet. Round Blackjack begins to gamble you take - money in the form of chips you are there before you receive the cards. You can bet the minimum (say $ 5) or more. If you bet $ 10 and won (or lost), you will gain (or lose) the same amount. If you win in blackjack - that the arrival of 21 with two cards only - will benefit ratio of 3: 2. That's right, $ 15.
So much is clear? Come on, start to play.
Language. Those fortunate enough to start and got on blackjack, can lean back with satisfaction and get double his bet money one half. Those who do not, get one line to play it. Your turn, you may request another card (Hit), and then another and another until you have enough, or until burned and passed the 21st.
How to ask for another card? With finger. Calm, not in the eye of the dealer, just a light tap of fingers on the table. How reject receiving another card? Traffic signal with his hand in the air from side to side which means stop Stand)), or Hebrew: Let me Bamas'c.
Dilemma. If you receive two cards that come along to 11, does not take a genius to figure out that you should take another card: your chances of getting a card worth 10 to 21 complete you are not bad at all, given the amount of these cards lies sandal. So you're asking for another card. And get, say, 4. Now you've a problem: the arrival of 15, and who knows whether you should continue to take the risk out cards with you a card higher than 6 and cremated, or stand and hope the dealer will burn you.
Indeed dilemma. what will you do? Take a gander at the table we provide here at the end of the article. Together with the dealer's visible card she will direct you to step in with a chance to get you the highest profit. Apart from it, there are three steps that can help you improve your position: doubling the bet, split and insurance.
Black Jack
Black Jack table Photo: Oded Karni
Doubling the bet. You have the option to double your bet - at the beginning of your turn, after you have received your first two cards. But do it only if you are sure that your chances are good: Once you get a doubling is allowed only one card and that's it.
The split. If you receive two cards of the same value (say two aces), you can bet with each of them separately on the initial amount it died. The dealer distributes an additional card for each split cards; If the same split will receive an additional card, you may also split it, and so for each card the same as the one after.
Insurance. If the dealer has received an ace, you can insure yourself against bad prospect at all non-hidden parchments its worth 10, and you know what that means. Height insurance is half the original bet if the dealer goes blackjack, you get your insurance multiplied by 2, that is not winning or losing. If you did not leave him, you went to the insurance, regardless of whether you win or lose a round.
Dealer. Okay, you play, Faisal, adventure and manage to stay in the game. Now comes the turn of the dealer make the hidden card. Hence he continues to play by the rules agreed upon in advance if what he has in hand less than or equal to 16, it must continue to take cards. Once it reaches 17 or more, he stops.
Note: Even if the dealer comes to 17 with an ace - for every other player can recall, considered 1 or 11 - he still must stop. In short, much discretion does not have a, pardon the West. For you it could be a robot dealer. And according to the devilish grin you implies your eggs in his basket right away, also would have been better.
The end. Okay, dealer stopped. It's time to compare with your own. Well, leave jokes now. Did you get taller? You earn. lower? You're losing. You went justiciable? Your bet comes back to you (the so-called Push) no gain or loss. If the dealer drew one card too and burn every table gets, except for those who burned himself. At this point the round of blackjack. It's time to distribute or collect the money, and start a new round.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
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5.Add a new ACH Account
6.Use an existing ACH account
Add a new Credit Card:
When you are using your credit card for the first time: Log in to your PrePaid ATM account Click on 'Funding Center' Click on 'Add new Credit Card' Enter your credit card information and submit Click on 'Funding Center' again Enter in amount and choose 'Credit Card' as your funding method Select the credit card you wish to use for your deposit and submit Enter the last 3-digit number on the back of your credit card (c.v.v. code) Limits are $500 prior to the credit card being approved Minimum credit card deposit is $50 Funds are available within minutes after funding
Use an existing Credit Card:
When you are using a credit card that has been approved: Log in to your PrePaid ATM account Click on 'Funding Center' Enter in amount and choose 'Credit Card' as your funding method Select the credit card you wish to use for your deposit and submit Enter the last 3-digit number on the back of your credit card (c.v.v. code) Limits are $1,000 within any 24-hour period, $2,500 within any 7-day period, and $5,000 within any 30-day period Minimum credit card deposit is $50 Funds are available within minutes after funding
Credit Card Approval process:
Print out the PrePaid ATM Credit Card Approval Form Fax a copy of the completed Credit Card Approval Form, your driver's license, and the front and back of your credit card to 1-330-896-6589 within 30 days of using your card Approval process is completed within 1-hour during normal business hours Approval process only required once per credit card
Electronic checks
Funding your PrePaid ATM Card from your checking account is made easy. The process of sending an electronic check is commonly known as ACH.
Add a new ACH Account:
When you are using a new checking account for the first time: Log in to your PrePaid ATM account Click on 'Funding Center' Click on 'Add new ACH account' Enter your checking account information and submit Print out the PrePaid ATM ACH Approval Form Fax a copy of the completed ACH form, your driver's license, and a signed voided check to 1-330-896-6589 Approval process is completed within 1-hour during normal business hours Click on 'Funding Center' again Enter in amount and choose 'ACH Debit' as your funding method Select the ACH account you wish to use for your deposit and submit Limits are $5,000 within any 24-hour period Funds are available 3 business days after funding Approval process only required once per checking account
Use an existing ACH account:
When you are using a checking account that has been approved: Log in to your PrePaid ATM account Click on 'Funding Center' Enter in amount and choose 'ACH Debit' as your funding method Select the ACH account you wish to use for your deposit and submit Limits are $5,000 within any 24-hour period Funds are available 3 business days after funding
Bank wire Wire funds directly to your PrePaid ATM Card. To wire funds to PrePaid ATM, you will need to provide the following information to your bank: Amount to wire: $ Name: PrePaidATM Bank: Fifth Third Bank of Cincinnati Location: Cincinnati, Ohio U.S.A Account #: 83092456 Routing #: 042000314
After sending, you will receive a Fed tracking number Log in to your PrePaid ATM account Click on 'Funding Center' Enter in amount and choose 'Bank Wire' as your funding method Enter your Fed tracking number and submit Limits are $5,000 within any 24-hour period If you have any funding questions, please contact Customer Care during normal business hours toll free at 1-866-35-PPATM or 1-330-896-5627 or e-mail customercare@PrePaid ATM.com.
PrePaid ATM Cardholders enjoy a variety of funding methods. Choose the funding method which best suits your needs.
PayPal (new funding option) Log in to your PayPal account Designate payment to pal@PrePaid ATM.com After sending, you will receive a transaction ID number Log in to your PrePaid ATM account Click on 'Funding Center' Enter in amount and choose 'PayPal' as your funding method Enter your transaction ID number and submit Funds will be available within 1-hour during normal business hours Limits are $5,000 within any 24-hour period
Credit cards Cardholders can now make 1 deposit up to $500 before completing and faxing in the credit card approval form, a copy of the front and back of the credit card, and the cardholders drivers' license.
1.Add a new Credit Card
2.Use an existing Credit Card
3.Credit Card Approval process
4.Electronic checks
5.Add a new ACH Account
6.Use an existing ACH account
Add a new Credit Card:
When you are using your credit card for the first time: Log in to your PrePaid ATM account Click on 'Funding Center' Click on 'Add new Credit Card' Enter your credit card information and submit Click on 'Funding Center' again Enter in amount and choose 'Credit Card' as your funding method Select the credit card you wish to use for your deposit and submit Enter the last 3-digit number on the back of your credit card (c.v.v. code) Limits are $500 prior to the credit card being approved Minimum credit card deposit is $50 Funds are available within minutes after funding
Use an existing Credit Card:
When you are using a credit card that has been approved: Log in to your PrePaid ATM account Click on 'Funding Center' Enter in amount and choose 'Credit Card' as your funding method Select the credit card you wish to use for your deposit and submit Enter the last 3-digit number on the back of your credit card (c.v.v. code) Limits are $1,000 within any 24-hour period, $2,500 within any 7-day period, and $5,000 within any 30-day period Minimum credit card deposit is $50 Funds are available within minutes after funding
Credit Card Approval process:
Print out the PrePaid ATM Credit Card Approval Form Fax a copy of the completed Credit Card Approval Form, your driver's license, and the front and back of your credit card to 1-330-896-6589 within 30 days of using your card Approval process is completed within 1-hour during normal business hours Approval process only required once per credit card
Electronic checks
Funding your PrePaid ATM Card from your checking account is made easy. The process of sending an electronic check is commonly known as ACH.
Add a new ACH Account:
When you are using a new checking account for the first time: Log in to your PrePaid ATM account Click on 'Funding Center' Click on 'Add new ACH account' Enter your checking account information and submit Print out the PrePaid ATM ACH Approval Form Fax a copy of the completed ACH form, your driver's license, and a signed voided check to 1-330-896-6589 Approval process is completed within 1-hour during normal business hours Click on 'Funding Center' again Enter in amount and choose 'ACH Debit' as your funding method Select the ACH account you wish to use for your deposit and submit Limits are $5,000 within any 24-hour period Funds are available 3 business days after funding Approval process only required once per checking account
Use an existing ACH account:
When you are using a checking account that has been approved: Log in to your PrePaid ATM account Click on 'Funding Center' Enter in amount and choose 'ACH Debit' as your funding method Select the ACH account you wish to use for your deposit and submit Limits are $5,000 within any 24-hour period Funds are available 3 business days after funding
Bank wire Wire funds directly to your PrePaid ATM Card. To wire funds to PrePaid ATM, you will need to provide the following information to your bank: Amount to wire: $ Name: PrePaidATM Bank: Fifth Third Bank of Cincinnati Location: Cincinnati, Ohio U.S.A Account #: 83092456 Routing #: 042000314
After sending, you will receive a Fed tracking number Log in to your PrePaid ATM account Click on 'Funding Center' Enter in amount and choose 'Bank Wire' as your funding method Enter your Fed tracking number and submit Limits are $5,000 within any 24-hour period If you have any funding questions, please contact Customer Care during normal business hours toll free at 1-866-35-PPATM or 1-330-896-5627 or e-mail customercare@PrePaid ATM.com.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Read and Weep, Another Millionaire
The Gold Rally progressive online casino jackpot over at 32Vegas was finally won! Yea guys, that’s it for us. If you, very much like me, dreamed about snatching that online casino jackpot, then your dream is over. A player named DianeB took home a nice $2,060,189 win after playing Gold Rally – now that’s a sum to take home if you ask me! I am telling you, there are people having fun over a 32Vegas.
This is the second time that an online casino player wanted out of 32Vegas as a millionaire. Well, winning a Gold Rally will take some time, as the online casino prize pool is now empty again, but there are other great jackpots for us to win, that’s for sure. I think someone even mentioned it in a previous post. The Cryptologic’s Millionaire’s Club jackpot is still up for grabs and I think that the last time I checked it was just above $4 million. So there you go! Maybe you or me will become the next online casino millionaires.
This is the second time that an online casino player wanted out of 32Vegas as a millionaire. Well, winning a Gold Rally will take some time, as the online casino prize pool is now empty again, but there are other great jackpots for us to win, that’s for sure. I think someone even mentioned it in a previous post. The Cryptologic’s Millionaire’s Club jackpot is still up for grabs and I think that the last time I checked it was just above $4 million. So there you go! Maybe you or me will become the next online casino millionaires.

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